our programs

youth program

We have developed a youth program dedicated to fostering holistic development through mentorship, sports, and wellness services.

Our initiative is designed to empower young individuals by offering meaningful mentorship relationships, engaging sports activities, and comprehensive wellness support. We believe in nurturing both the mind and body to cultivate well-rounded, resilient, and confident individuals. Join us in creating a supportive community where young people can thrive, build essential life skills, and pursue their passions with guidance and encouragement.

Clinicians of color Movement program

The objective of the Clinicians of Color Movement (CCM) program is to enhance diversity within the substance use workforce by supporting emerging black and brown professionals.

This includes Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialists, Clinical Supervisors, Certified Prevention Specialists, and Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professionals. Our efforts involve providing comprehensive assistance, including supervision, guidance in navigating the North Carolina Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board, and financial support.

Substance Use/ Mental Health Program

At By Any Mean AVL., we believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to understanding substance use and mental health. Our community-focused program offers a range of educational resources, engaging workshops, and enriching community events to support individuals and families on their journey to wellness.

Education for Understanding: Our program provides accessible and comprehensive education on substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Through informative sessions, we aim to break down stigmas, increase awareness, and promote understanding of these often-misunderstood topics.

Workshops for Skill-Building: We offer a variety of workshops designed to equip participants with practical tools and coping strategies for managing substance use and mental health challenges. From stress management techniques to communication skills and relapse prevention strategies, our workshops empower individuals to take control of their well-being.

Community Events for Connection: Building a supportive community is at the heart of our program. We host a range of community events, including support groups, wellness activities, and social gatherings, where individuals can connect with peers, share experiences, and find encouragement in their recovery journey.

What We Offer:

Educational Seminars: Informative sessions led by experts in the field, covering topics such as addiction, mental health disorders, and the impact of trauma.

Skill-Building Workshops: Hands-on workshops focusing on practical skills and techniques for managing stress, improving communication, and promoting overall well-being.

Peer Support Groups: Safe and welcoming spaces for individuals to share their experiences, offer support, and receive encouragement from others who understand their journey.

Wellness Activities: Engaging activities such as yoga, art therapy, and mindfulness exercises to promote self-care and emotional resilience.

Community Outreach: Collaborative efforts to raise awareness and advocate for accessible, inclusive, and stigma-free mental health and substance use services within the community.

Join Our Community: Whether you're seeking knowledge, support, or connection, we invite you to be a part of our community. Together, we can break down barriers, foster understanding, and create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.them from society.

youth program

We have developed a youth program dedicated to fostering holistic development through mentorship, sports, and wellness services.

Our initiative is designed to empower young individuals by offering meaningful mentorship relationships, engaging sports activities, and comprehensive wellness support. We believe in nurturing both the mind and body to cultivate well-rounded, resilient, and confident individuals. Join us in creating a supportive community where young people can thrive, build essential life skills, and pursue their passions with guidance and encouragement.

Clinicians of color Movement program

The objective of the Clinicians of Color Movement (CCM) program is to enhance diversity within the substance use workforce by supporting emerging black and brown professionals.

This includes Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialists, Clinical Supervisors, Certified Prevention Specialists, and Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professionals. Our efforts involve providing comprehensive assistance, including supervision, guidance in navigating the North Carolina Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board, and financial support.

Substance Use/ Mental Health Program

The lack of accessible and affordable mental health services in the community is a significant problem.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), approximately 60% of adults with mental illness did not receive mental health services in the previous year. This alarming statistic highlights the dire state of mental health care in the community, leaving a majority of those in need without the necessary support and treatment. The consequences of this problem are severe, as untreated mental health issues can lead to a decline in overall health, productivity, and quality of life.

Another major issue is the difficulty in finding reliable and supportive substance use recovery programs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that relapse rates for addiction treatment are between 40% and 60%. This indicates a significant gap in the effectiveness and reliability of existing recovery programs. The high relapse rates suggest that many individuals struggling with substance use disorders are not receiving the comprehensive and sustained support they need to overcome their addiction. This lack of reliable support can lead to a vicious cycle of addiction, relapse, and recovery, causing significant distress and harm to the individuals and their families.

Lastly, there is a lack of empowerment and support services for marginalized or vulnerable groups. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) states that 19.7 million American adults (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in 2017. This statistic underscores the urgent need for targeted support and empowerment services for these individuals. Without these services, these vulnerable groups are left to face their struggles alone, exacerbating their conditions and further marginalizing them from society.